Sunday, July 8, 2007

"Transform and Roll Out!"


Now I know that a lot of people are slamming the new Transformers movie, in most cases it is simply because Michael Bay directed it. And while I will admit that Bay is in general a bad director, this move shines.

I'm not exactly sure what people wanted from this movie. People are saying it has no substance, it is hollow, blah blah blah. Ok, its a movie. About Robots. From Outer-space. Who attack each other on Earth. What exactly is there to be deep about this movie? Its a Summer blockbuster, popcorn crunching, rocking good time!

Even Robert Ebert agrees - this is an AWESOME SUMMER MOVIE! See his review here.

I am a Transformers fan - I have been since I was like 5 years old. I read the comics, I own the entire series on DVD, I have the 20th anniversary edition of Optimus Prime. I love my Robots in Disguise. This movie is EXACTLY what I wanted it to be. Dozens of call outs to the fans (like when Megatron says: "You've failed me once again Starscream.") And just keeping the campiness of the series intact.

So, when I see it I scream the first time Bumblebee transformers, I cheer when Optimus Prime first appears, I go crazy when Megatron brings out his Morning Star, and cheer even louder when Primes energon axe appears... I go into that theater to celebrate being a Transformers fan and I love every minute of it.

I love balancing act that Bay and the writers did between giving the robots screen time and the humans screen time. Also, reconstructing the origin story they way they did was fantastic - having Hoover Dam be built to house the captured Megatron - awesome. I am not a huge fan of Prime's lips, but they are growing on me. And when Bumblebee tries to get Sam laid... so cool!

Tonight Jes and I went to see the movie for a second time, and it was even better. Although I don't think the magic I felt when I first saw it will ever be rediscovered. For all of you out there who are complaining about the movie or whatever - just go enjoy the fact that the most advanced CGI EVER used on film have brought these amazing figures from pop culture to life in a way we never expected. I will see it again - maybe tomorrow, maybe monday maybe everyday this week.

Its fun. Its camp. Its a gay fan boy's dream.
It's (Yes, I'm gonna say it...) More Than Meets The Eye.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just saw it for the second time tonight too. Although I agree that the emotional impact was a little less this time, I picked up on a lot of things I missed the first time around... like the energon axe. I think it's a great movie and exactly what I expected it to be. Now I can't wait for the DVD! Or the sequel!

Bloor Street Tears (Formerly Everyone Say Repressed Homosexuality)

A blog about the life and times of a Toronto Grad Student living in Downtown Toronto