Friday, July 27, 2007

A Night of Drunken Craziness

Photo Caption: Jessica and I looking hot and sexy at Numbers.

Wednesday night rocked my world - it was a quiet day really, not much happening. But then that night I went with my 313 gang, and Christine, to Numbers for Karaoke. It was one of the best nights ever.

Because the fireworks - stupid fireworks - were on it was totally dead in the place until about 10. We started the night out with some Pat Benetar, then some Prince, then some Breathe (2am), and it just went on from there. I personally didn't get up to sing, was feeling shy that night. But I think I am addicted to WATCHING people do karaoke. Got to see Mitch (the bartender) sing some more Cher... I love his Cher impersonation. Next week I might do a bit Cher - we'll see.

There are just so many unique things about that night - and there was a lot of drinking. Too much drinking. There was a lot of dirty dancing - with each other and then Alice and I branched out a bit and grabbed onto various other people. By the end of the night, Alice, Bri, Christine and I ended up calling Graham (C's husband) to come get us at 2 AM (he was not very impressed... but he came, we love him so!) so we could go to Spanish Banks....and we skinny dipped. Yes that's right, I was naked - in public.

I can't remember the last time I had so much fun. The only problem was that I had to work the next morning and be up at 6:30... I was still drunk when I got up the next morning and that hang over lasted ALL DAY LONG! Nonetheless, we are going for a repeat this Wednesday... wonder where the night will take us. Perhaps more public nudity?

This coming week I might go for something other than beer - cause the hang over yesterday was horrible!

Today... had a drs appointment. Now am going to eat. Then up to SFU to bring the boxes from my office home... getting ready for stage one of the move that happens Monday! But for tonight, I will forget about moving and boxes for a while and watch one of my favorite movies of all time - The Godfather. I fucking love that movie!

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Bloor Street Tears (Formerly Everyone Say Repressed Homosexuality)

A blog about the life and times of a Toronto Grad Student living in Downtown Toronto