Friday, July 13, 2007


So in about 4 hours I will be sitting in a rather hot and stuffy room at the school defending my Master's project (or you could consider it a thesis by now). And yes, I am nervous. I was fine yesterday - kept telling myself I'd do great etc etc etc.... well now, I'm fucking nervous!

I'm not super great at public speaking, although everyone I know tells me otherwise. I always feel like I am not actually saying anything interesting. But I also know I will have no problem talking about this paper. I've been working on this paper for a very very long time now, months and months and months. I feel really good about it, I like what I've said.

The paper is an examination of Brokeback Mountain and how it can link back to 1950 and 1960s gay pulps. I especially look at the establishment of affect within those narratives - affect through physical objects. How the shirts in the story come to represent queer desire for the two men. Furthermore, it looks at how the closet operates in such affected spaces . I really do like what I've written - just not so sure about having to talk about it out loud and deal with questions about it.

Nevertheless, I'm ready - lets get the defense over with so I can drink tonight!

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Bloor Street Tears (Formerly Everyone Say Repressed Homosexuality)

A blog about the life and times of a Toronto Grad Student living in Downtown Toronto