Friday, July 6, 2007

Comics, Losing Weight, and other randomness

I happily went down the comic book store in Yaletown today and let myself splurge on a few things. After Marvel's Civil War that happened throughout the year (ending in Captain America's Death) Marvel was like "Hmmmm... what should we do now?"

Their answer: "Hey I know, let's make The Hulk go crazy and become a killing machine AND we'll start killing off X-Men characters! Cause, that'll totally go down well with the readers."

Course this is coming from the guy that just bought this week's issues of World War Hulk and X-Men: Extinction... why are comics so addictive? Plus, it was the first issue of Transformers Vs. Avengers this week - I am quite excited about that cross over.

As soon as I am done here I am going to read my stash!

After the Comic Book Store, I went off to American Eagle because I need a second pair of shorts (I have one pair that I wear too often). I bought a pair of blue plaid shorts - I like them. The problem is: I had to buy them one waist size up. This is NOT GOOD! Mind you I did this because the only pair of shorts I liked was in that size so I had to buy then, othewise I would have had to buy "dust colored" shorts. What the hell color is DUST anyways?

But that is besides the point... I need to start thinking about dropping a few pounds. I don't want to be fatty mcmatty when I move. Hence the plan:

Instead of Frappachinos I will have ice tea or ice coffee
Instead of burgers and pizza at lunch I will eat salads
I will not let fast food touch this mouth again for at least 3 months (this includes Subway)
I will walk more - try to walk at least 3 times a week.
No more pop - unless it is diet - now ice tea (brewed) or Dole Sparklers

But I am not giving up my snacks in the evening... I like my chips or crackers while I watch TV - just gonna cut back on the WHOLE containers of Ben and Jerry's.

I will lose weight... I will.

The good news is: I think these shorts look pretty sexy on me.


Anonymous said...

Maybe if we tossed some more stuff, then the APARTMENT would lose weight, thereby making us feel slimmer, and it would be like losing weight by extension.

I think.

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Bloor Street Tears (Formerly Everyone Say Repressed Homosexuality)

A blog about the life and times of a Toronto Grad Student living in Downtown Toronto