Saturday, July 21, 2007

Rilo Kiley

Exciting news - Rilo Kiley is going on tour, and I'm going to see them IN TORONTO! I found out they were touring through Facebook and sent an email to Hotty McHot in Toronto asking him out to go see the show with me. He said yes. I bought my tickets this morning. Super cheap too! They are playing at Pheonix Concert Theatre - I have no idea what that is!

I am so excited. I'd loved them, ever since their song "Portion for Foxes" was on Grey's Anatomy I became obsessed and bought all their CDs. How cool is this! So excited. Maybe Jenny Lewis will perform "Rabbit Fur Coat" from her solo album. Their new ablum is out on August 21st, it is called Under the Black Light. The first single sounds amazing - totally unlike anything they've done before. Which is part of who they are. They experiment with sounds, can range from pop to folk to rock to jazz within the span of am album. I am so excited!

Today is all about listening to Rilo Kiley, reading, doing some marking, and a bit of light packing.

Oh, and here is Rilo Kiley's new video "Moneymaker." Enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sigh - if only I watched YouTube I could partake in the goodness that is Rilo Kiley. Too bad.

Bloor Street Tears (Formerly Everyone Say Repressed Homosexuality)

A blog about the life and times of a Toronto Grad Student living in Downtown Toronto