Saturday, July 7, 2007

Light (or enlightened) Reading

I happily admit that I have a small spending problem - especially considering HOW MUCH I spent today.

Tonight after dinner Jes and I went for a walk (see I walked!) and ended up at various book stores around the neighborhood, and then decided to hit up the Chapters on Robson and Burrard. I was looking for a Laurie R. King novel - who rewrites Sherlock Holmes with a female assistant, highly recommended - and I found one. However, the super shopper in my head kicked in and I had to do the Buy 3 paperbacks get the 4th free.

Yeah I know... I have no will power.

Anyways... since I have decreed this the summer of light reading and am only reading non-academic books (that means no Atwood, no Modernists, no theory, nothing that I might study) I bought myself a few more paper backs. Charlaine Harris's Dead to the World, Susanna Clarke's Jonathon Strange and Mr. Nowell (a big huge HUGE fantasy novel). And something for Jes.

I am speeding through books right now - and really enjoying giving my brain a bit of a break.

But I promise - this will be the last purchase of any size bigger than 20 bucks for a while.

(snort of laughter)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Bloor Street Tears (Formerly Everyone Say Repressed Homosexuality)

A blog about the life and times of a Toronto Grad Student living in Downtown Toronto