Friday, September 21, 2007

Red Guitars

Last night was one of those nights you know will stick with you. It was the English Department reception at the Faculty Lounge, so I got gussied up and headed over there. Met a few of my cohort and hung out with them for a while. Even managed to talk to a few older PhD students. For some reason, every attempt I made to talk to Michael Cobb (the guy i want to supervise me) failed - he was like a spectral being or something and would appear but then disappear a second later. This proved to be rather irritating. I had about 4-5 glasses of wine, so I was feeling fine! After the reception, I was invited back to a BBQ being held at Graduate House. Well, let me tell you... no force on this planet will ever get me back in that building. It was one of the most depressing, unoriginal, droll places I have ever been inside. It is hard core dorm like - not something that a graduate student should have to deal with! Ugh, I might have night mares about that forever.

Once the BBQ was over, I suggested that we go get a drink. I remembered that other grad students were going to a place called the Red Room... so I dragged them there. Well, that was the best decisions I've ever made. I saw one familiar face, who quickly introduce me to a whole group of people. All of them are PhD 2, but they seemed to quickly bring me into their group and enjoyed hang out with me. We had a few drinks there, then decided to head over to this great bar/lounge called the Centre... five dollar martinis that rocked my world. I got to talk about grad school, boys I like, girls I like, movies, got huge amounts of gossip... it was such a good night. I stumbled drunkenly home around 11 and hit my bed around 12:30.

Oh yeah... it was a good night. Today, I have to go to my bibliography class at 11. Then Nick and I are going to see Transformers on the Imax screen! Plus I should do some reading at some point...

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Bloor Street Tears (Formerly Everyone Say Repressed Homosexuality)

A blog about the life and times of a Toronto Grad Student living in Downtown Toronto