Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Quiet Rumbles

Today is one of those days where I wish to all that is unholy I could have a clone or just be able to split into multiple versions of myself - like that character from X-Men. I have to finish reading Eagleton, start and finish Freud (I told you I would not get that done last night), scan over some stuff for my Veronica Mars article that I want to start writing this weekend, then I am meeting Lindsui and Brittany at the Bob Miller to pick up books for Bibliography and right after that I am attending a reading theory group. At least tonight I can relax and have some fun with Nick as we start our weekly tradition of Bionic Model Wednesdays. (We're geeks, if you can't deal with it, go elsewhere.)

Happily being busy will take my mind of stuff that's currently marching around my cranium. Last night a thunder storm kept me company as I thought about life and all things involved in that life.

But for today, I have books to read, theory to talk about, and models to watch.

I also wanted to draw everyone's attention to the fact that Iron and Wine has a new album out - it is called The Shepherd's Dog. (Go to their MySpace page here) Fantastic so far - a little different than his normal sound, but oh so worth buying. Course, if he let me I would listen to him sing a fucking phone book. Go Listen! (Amazon link to album)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Dilton Doiley might be able to help you on the clone front. I know he's got a cloning machine cause one time, Hot Dog accidentally climbed into the machine with Reggie and hillarity ensued.

Bloor Street Tears (Formerly Everyone Say Repressed Homosexuality)

A blog about the life and times of a Toronto Grad Student living in Downtown Toronto