Saturday, August 4, 2007

Wave Your Pride Flag

So this weekend is pride in vancouver and I have pretty much decided that I don't want to do much for it. Even though it is a my last Pride in Vancouver for at least 5 years, I just don't really have the engery to celebrate this year. I guess moving across the country will do that to a person. That is not to say I don't have pride, I just am too fucking tired to actually go through the motions. So tonight on what would normally be a clubbing night for me, I am going to stay inside and watch the fireworks from my balcony and then go with Jes and Bri to see the Simpsons Movie. Tomorrow I will go to the parade and watch the cute boys go by and then go with my friends to the beach party... then come home. I might go out a bit tomorrow night, we'll see.

Right now, though I am pretty happy with my passive celebration of pride. I don't need to go out and get hammered and have a bunch of guys grab my ass on the dance floor to show how proud I am of being gay. I can celebrate being gay in a lot of different ways. This has always been one of my problems with pride, I don't get why pride has to equal drinking and sex. Yes last year I did a lot of both (man was I tired after pride weekend) but still, it should be about something much more important. As a community we often forget about where that sense of pride has come from. There is always very little talk of such events as Stonewall. We almost never hear about recent gay bashings and the political or communal backlash against such events. As well, pride is not just about being gay - it is about being queer in all its incantations. You don't need to just be a gay man or lesbian or a Transperson to feel pride, but anything that makes you queer or doesn't make you queer should fill you with pride.

At least that's what I think.

Nonetheless, this weekend is going to be a relaxed pride for me.

But my biggest goal for this weekend is - DO NOT GET SUNBURNED!

Well - Happy Pride Everyone. Be proud of who you are. Celebrate it in your own way and just be happy with whatever path your life has taken right now.

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Bloor Street Tears (Formerly Everyone Say Repressed Homosexuality)

A blog about the life and times of a Toronto Grad Student living in Downtown Toronto