Tuesday, June 3, 2008

"This is the room our children would play in."

Tonight I finally got around to watching the season finale of Grey's Anatomy... and I have to say that I was impressed. For the first time since the end of season 3, I finally can say that I am enjoying the show again. I was not very happy with the way they treated certain characters throughout this shortened season, I was happy to see that they are actually letting the group evolve and grow in particular ways.

I am happy that Christina is finally opening up to her interns. I am happy that Meredith and Derek are finally going to move ahead as a real couple and actually be a couple, without the scary damaged shit that she keeps playing on. And I am glad that they are going to let Izzie have a bigger story line than the whole "I am running around the hospital acting like an idiot" routine.

I'm not really sure what this post is about other than to say that I watched it and I enjoyed it...

oh... and of course the lesbian kiss at the end... FINALLY a real gay character that won't die or be sidelined.

good stuff Grey's... good stuff.

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Bloor Street Tears (Formerly Everyone Say Repressed Homosexuality)

A blog about the life and times of a Toronto Grad Student living in Downtown Toronto